
Wraparound Care


Welcome to our Breakfast Club and After School Club.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club starts at 8.00am. Cereal, toast, pastries and a drink are provided.  Children are taken to their classes at 8:40am, ready to start their day.


After School Club

Children who attend After School Club are collected from their class at 3.15 by our Play Leader and receive a snack at 3.30pm. They are very welcome to bring in additional healthy snacks (in line with the school’s break time snack policy) if they wish.

There are two different options to book for After School Club depending on the duration your child stays for. Session 1 runs until 4.30pm and session 2 runs until 5.30pm. Both sessions include a snack such as crumpets, cheese & biscuits, carrot/celery sticks etc. 


Activities and bookings

There are a wide range of fun activities for the children to take part in during these sessions; both indoors and outdoors. We do hope your child will enjoy their time in Breakfast and Afterschool Club.

If you would like your child/children to attend please print off and complete the forms at the top of this page and submit them to the school office.

The cost for Breakfast Club is £3.00 per day and Afterschool Club is £5.50 until 4:30pm or £7.50 until 5:30pm.  There is a discount of 10% for siblings attending Afterschool Club.

The Afterschool Club closes at 5:30pm so please collect your child(ren) by this time; a fee of £5 will be charged for late collections.