We were delighted to receive a 'Good' outcome from our latest Ofsted inspection; it is positive validation of our journey from joining DGAT in 2017.
Quotes from the report include:
“Pupils.....speak of belonging to the ‘Coaley family’ and how proud they are to be part of the school”
“Pupils know and exemplify the school’s values”
“leaders have created a caring ethos”
“Parents are positive about the support their children receive”
“Leaders have high expectations of all pupils”
“pupils behave well and demonstrate positive learning attitudes”
“ The curriculum design shows a well-thought-out sequence of learning”
“Leaders place pupils’ personal development at the heart of their decision-making. They provide a wide range of outdoor learning opportunities where pupils explore the natural world. Pupils learn about different faiths and religions. They are well prepared for the next stage of their education. ”